Our Services
Providing single source solutions for asset management and ownership.
Our Services
Welcome to Martyn Fiddler.

Asset Ownership
Our clients trust us with their corporate and private family assets. We apply the highest level of administration and dedication throughout a clients portfolio; from commercial property and business aircraft to yachts, car collections and artwork.

Corporate and Trust Services

Marine & Yacht Ownership
We understand that no two situations are the same. Our ownership vehicles are bespoke to each client and their yacht or other marine vessel. They fulfil business needs, limit liability, help mitigate VAT on acquisition or importation, and aid tax efficient operation. Every solution complies with applicable VAT rules in respect of the vessel.

Special Missions
Trusted to deliver value

Privately Owned
We do not have external shareholders and therefore can focus on building long term relationships with clients and industry colleagues.
We believe in creating a working environment that our team wants to be a part of, resulting in low staff turnover and high client value.

Unrivalled capabilities
Located in Ireland, Isle of Man, United Kingdom and the Netherlands, we have over 40 years’ experience assisting clients with their business aircraft.
Our unrivalled in-house capabilities allow us to access relevant information and knowledge speedily, enabling us to identify solutions and provide comprehensive advice where no one else can.

More than just a service provider
We have an unrivalled wealth of experience to assist our clients, their family offices and advisors.

Experience and dedication
We deliver a personalised service for every client with a named relationship manager.
We ensure each of our team members is kept up-to-date with the latest aviation developments and is provided with regular training from our in-house tax team: this allows early identification and mitigation of any potential issues.

Industry leader & influencer
We sit on the NBAA tax committee and the boards of the BBGA, IBGAA and EBAA legal committee.
We are active participants at government level advising on business aviation tax matters in the UK and European Commission.